How To Get A*s in your A-Levels
Getting A*s is something that every student should be striving for, however it is a feat that not many achieve. Here at Atrius Education, we seek to take our students to or as close to this level as possible, That being said, it is a challenge that requires two weapons.
The First of course being Personal Revison. It is cruicial that the student takes teh time to go over the content themselves, do the grunt work as it were, grinding out past papers, exam style questions, and revising their notes accurately.
The Second is 1:1 tutoring. It is only with help that one can truly achieve their best, at Atrius our tutors are the best, they themselves have achieved these grades, and they themselves know the secrets to unlocking these exceptional grades.
At Atrius, we aid not only to teach the content, we also find discrepancies in knowledge, seek to teach the student critical thinking, and lead the student in the art of “ learning how to learn”. This aids in the students personal revision too.
Another secret to unlocking ultimate grades is momentum… too often do students start achieving high grades and then stop their efforts thinking that they have achieved what they need to. Too often do students skip revision sessions and maybe even tuition sessions in the lead up to exams thinking that they fully understand the content. This is a fundamental fault. One must maintain the upwards trajectory that they have maintained throughout the year, one must pertain to the plan, and maintain the high level of efforts that have been committed to.