A-Level tutoring

There is a large importance to A-Level tutoring due to many factors… However one issue has become increasingly prevalent in the UK education system- Teaching Quality.

See, with a large array of students choosing Computer Science, we have an issue wherin, the teacher qualified enough to teach Computer Science, are instead pursuing Software Engineering roles, Leaving the teaching pool fairly lacklustre.

At Atrius Education, we hone in on finding the best, educators in computer science, those that are either current or Ex Software Engineers, Or Computer Science Degree holders/ pursuants. From this pool, we select only 1 in 25 applicants to be tutors, ensuring the finest tuition is provided to our students.

The same prospect holds true with Maths and Physics. We were baffled to find that some of our students had school teachers that hadn’t even achieved their A-Levels in the subject at which they are teaching, Others of which held degrees in Dance, Drama Or Art, teaching Further Maths, Maths or Physics. At Atrius, we seek to fill the appalling gaps that are rampant throughout the uk education system with fully experienced and qualified tutors fit for the task at hand.

If you seek to pursue an Atrius Education Tuition Program, please continue on to book a free introduction.


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How To Get A*s in your A-Levels